FAQ's about SNAP

Everything you wanted to know about the SNAP by Fit3D.

Hows the Quality Compared to the ProScanner?
The quality is about the same.

How do I get my Activation Code?

We will email you an activation code when SNAP is ready in November and you can begin scanning immediately.

How do you get the tablet?
You can purchase the tablet directly from Samsung, Amazon, or Best Buy. Approved Samsung tablets cost around $400, making them both affordable and easy to obtain.

Do I need a scale? 
You'll have to input a "weight metric" to run our assessments.  You can manually enter this, but we recommend you have a scale next to the scanner for an easy measurement. 

Why would you get a ProScanner is SNAP is the same quality & less expensive? 
Our ProScanner model looks very professional. Many clients may prefer the larger footprint for clients, however we do anticipate SNAP being our dominant model in the next year. 

Are you going to stop supporting ProScanner? 
No. Fit3D will continue to support the ProScanner model. 

Will SNAP offer Posture? 
SNAP will not have postural reports at this time. 

Do the reports change?  
SNAP and Fit3D will have the same backend used for Scan Processing and Cloud Dashboards.  The only difference is that SNAP will not have a balance report and postural reports.