How to uninstall, reinstall, or update your ProScanner app for V4 ProScanner systems and earlier to address outdated app issues, keyboard issues, etc.
Please follow the steps below to uninstall and reinstall your Fit3D ProScanner application for V4 and earlier systems.
If on a tablet:
1) Uninstall ProScanner app:
- Tap and hold the Windows menu down for two seconds and release.
- Please select the Search option in the new menu. Tap the search bar and type "Fit3D". Select Uninstall from the right-hand menu.
- This will take you to a new screen where you should select Fit3D App and click "Uninstall"
- NOTE: if the application is no longer present, this step is unnecessary
2) Install ProScanner app:
- Open your Chrome browser and tap the
button located in the top-right to open a New Incognito Window.
- Enter the following URL:
- Click downloaded file and it will automatically install the app update.
- NOTE: If you run into a Windows Defender window when opening the downloaded file, please tap the "More Info" link and select the Run Anyway option.
If on a laptop:
1) Uninstall ProScanner app:
- Search for "Proscanner" in the search bar at the bottom left, right clicking ProScanner App, and clicking uninstall.
- This will take you to a new screen where you should select ProScanner App and click "Uninstall"
- NOTE: if the application is no longer present, this step is unnecessary
2) Install ProScanner app:
- Open your Chrome browser on your laptop and use the following command to open a New Incognito Window: "Ctrl + Shift + n"
- Copy and Paste this link into your Incognito Window and hit Enter:
- Click downloaded file and it will automatically install the app update.
- NOTE: If you run into a Windows Defender window when opening the downloaded file, please click the "More Info" link and select the Run Anyway option.
Please note that if you own a V4 ProScanner you must use the V4 Fit3D app for the system to operate. ProScanner systems V4 and earlier are compatible with the V4 Fit3D App. If you are unsure of what ProScanner version you have, please feel free to contact the Fit3D team for help.